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Jasmine You...D.E.P

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Nyu Jue Ago 20, 2009 4:22 pm

Ehmm impresionante ...
Dentadura "signal" de Jun

Cantidad de envíos : 5875
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Vie Ago 21, 2009 6:41 pm

mensaje de la familia:

Para los aficionados y el apoyo personal que Usted Jazmín, así como todos y cada persona que cuidó de él hasta ahora ...

Como la familia de Jazmín Usted, que trajo el repentino anuncio de su muerte a la atención de todos, nos llena de desesperación, no sólo para nosotros, sino para los aficionados que habían apoyado a él.

En el pasado, el blog de Jazmín sirve como un medio importante para él para discutir su propio thoughs y sentimientos, y así vamos a pedir prestado este espacio para hablar con cada uno de nuestros sentimientos actuales, así como recuerdos de jazmín y las cosas que a menudo hablaba de él.

Había vivido en Tokio para un poco más de tres años ... después de su anterior banda se disolvió, participó en una sesión de grupo con sus más cercanos colaboradores y, a continuación, cuando HIZAKI GRACIA proyecto se inició de nuevo después de una larga pausa, se fue a Tokio.

En aras de disponer de su propio deseo personal concedida, que participan en la banda llamada Versailles en la medida en que dedicó su vida entera a ella.

Muchos recuerdos flotan en nuestras mentes en lo que se refiere a él en Versalles ... él de pie a una brillante y gran etapa, el personaje que poner un gran esfuerzo en incluso detrás de las escenas, y cómo durante aproximadamente dos años como Jazmín Usted fue a grandes longitudes a vivir su vida a su manera, mientras que la celebración de sus fans queridos . Esas son las cosas que me vienen a la mente en primer lugar.

Su primera "vuelta" en vivo en Nagoya como miembro de Versalles, el anuncio de Versalles' major debut en Shibuya CC Salón de limón, los CDs y DVDs que vierte en su corazón, su primera fotos, su primer viaje al extranjero, su aparición la televisión ... muchos de sus sueños se hicieron realidad, y nos mostró muchos de sus logros.

Sin duda, hubo dificultades que no teníamos idea de ...

A pesar de ello, se preocupaba por sus fans, nunca se quejó, nunca habló negativamente sobre nadie, y nunca perdió la atención en el maquillaje, la ropa, el habla, y la actitud que otros vieron. Así fue como vivió su vida.

Hubo ocasiones cuando tomó un descanso de este estilo de vida en casa, nos imaginamos, pero creemos que cuando él salió, el autor actuó por parte de "Jasmine Usted".

Fue a estos grandes esfuerzos por el bien de su propio sueño, y para dar felicidad y la voluntad de existir a sus fans que vieron su actuación y cada escuchado a su cada palabra.

Sobre la base de este gran ideal llamado Versalles, Jasmine cambiado poco a poco a sí mismo, estudiando duro para ser como los demás miembros de la banda que se deben respetar. Probado diversas dificultades, pero él aceptó obedientemente.

Jasmine Usted destinadas para este sueño y avanzado hacia adelante y hacia la izquierda de este mundo a medio camino a través de lo que él había tenido la intención de hacer. No sabemos si había alguna sueños que no había hecho realidad, o si hubiera cualquier lamenta.

Pero, Jasmine Usted inició su viaje con un rostro verdaderamente pacífica.

La gente que cuida y Jasmine se hicieron cargo de él, su nuevo y antiguo bandmates, y sus amigos salieron todos a la procesión fúnebre en Tokio.
El número de gente que vino fue sorprendentemente grandes. La sensación de que Jazmín había mucha gente que lo amaba lavarse de nuevo sobre nosotros.

Hablamos con varios de los asistentes, que eran propios músicos, y como pensamos, hemos escuchado acerca de las numerosas dificultades que se plantean en la vida de un músico.

Las circunstancias y puntos de vista difieren de persona a persona, pero cuando se llegó a Jazmín, se fue por encima y más allá de la intención de cualquier músico, y deseaba más que nada para alcanzar su objetivo personal y lograr su sueño.

En el día de su despedida de Tokyo, fue violentamente lluvioso.

Sin embargo, durante el cortejo fúnebre, el sol de verano regresó, y el paisaje que se ha convertido en mojado de la lluvia brillaba radiante. El cielo era tan azul que nos hizo sentir mareado.

Era como que se escondía detrás de las hojas de hierba, sólo a mirar y decir, con un guiño, "Jazmín es magia."

Después de eso regresamos a la prefectura de Aichi, donde Jazmín se había nacido y crecido, y sus familiares y amigos cercanos que habían visto tan calurosamente sobre él llegó a decir su último adiós.

Personas que habían conocido Jasmine Usted durante mucho tiempo fueron capaces de ocupar su tiempo en decir adiós, a pesar de que su tiempo en este mundo era tan corto como se había corrido a través de él a toda prisa, sólo para tener una última respiración profunda, que era la expresión que parece haber en el final. Después se celebró también en Nagoya, y muchas personas se reunieron a que se veía como una clase de reunión después de muchos años han pasado.

Jazmín, que simpatizaba con esas reuniones ocupado, fue sin duda feliz por eso.

La foto que aparece a continuación se envió una que fue ofrecido en su primera entrevista personal en el ROCK Y LEER libro que salió a la venta a finales de julio.

Estas fotos muestran una gran belleza Jasmine Usted, y fue muy satisfechos con ellos.

Jasmine estaba profundamente agradecido a la periodista del artículo que tan amablemente ha entrevistado a él, así como el camarógrafo que lo fotografiado. Por eso, queremos dar las gracias a ellos.

En la noche de su raíz, no tienen en su fase de maquillaje ... que sólo vestía su habitual y cotidiano de maquillaje.

Su tez era buena, y se veía como si fuera el mismo cuando Usted energético Jasmine estaba vivo, solo para dormir ... imagino que hace que las lágrimas comienzan a bien arriba.

Cuando él se encontraba bajo la atención médica, la uña técnico le dijo: "Espero que usted puede presentar un poco de energía", como fueron sus uñas decoradas, uno por uno, cada una con una diferente, magnífico diseño. Jasmine era capaz de dar su último adiós a todos en perfecta belleza, todo el camino hasta su uñas.

El funeral fue bastante repentina, y debido a que su vestuario Versalles y fotos fueron abandonados en Tokio, por lo que vestía en su proyecto de gracia HIZAKI traje.

HIZAKI gracia proyecto fue una banda que se convirtió en su primer sueño después de haber perdido de vista su objetivo debido a la disolución de Jakura.

Jasmine siempre dijo que había un montón de diversión.

Cuando regresó a Nagoya Jasmine para llevar a cabo después de tanto tiempo y tomó el escenario en una animada forma como se encontraba en su elemento, ese sueño se había previsto en su anterior banda, Jakura, mostró sus verdaderos colores.

Antes de que él falleció el 10, escuchó HIZAKI gracia del proyecto en CD repetir durante horas y horas, y parecía disfrutar de la escucha de este tipo de música nostálgica.

Es raro que Jazmín, que sin fin de escuchar su CD favorito en ese momento, siempre tuvo la música cerca de él.

De vez en cuando, cuando él fue bendecido con la oportunidad de reunirse con altos funcionarios de los artistas que a quienes tanto amó, fue tan alta en los espíritus que él era como un niño.

La música fue realmente una parte esencial de la vida de Jazmín Es, y lo hizo completo.

El 12 de agosto a las 10:30 am, Jasmine rosa en el azul del cielo de verano para continuar su viaje.

En ese mismo tiempo, hemos escuchado que muchas personas esperaban que el cielo y enviaron a sus oraciones.

Gracias desde el fondo de nuestros corazones.

Aquí, tenemos algunas palabras dichas por usted cuando Jasmine estaba vivo, que queremos compartir con usted.

Estas palabras son palabras de aliento para la gente importante alrededor de él, que pueden haber sido afectados por algo.

"No importa lo lejos que han sido separados el uno del otro, el cielo continúa en todas partes, de manera desgarradora en ocasiones, emocionalmente dolorosa veces, tristes tiempos, tiempos e incluso feliz, estoy siempre cerca de usted."

El cielo era una cosa muy especial para Usted Jasmine.

A su vez hacia el azul, distante, infinito cielo y susurrar sus problemas, sus pensamientos y de las veces será capaz de montar sobre la que fluyen las nubes y de la deriva de distancia.
Si usted se siente solo, pensamos que le gustaría mirar al cielo, también.

Pensamos que Jazmín Usted sin duda estar allí para usted.

Él también amaba el cielo de la noche, y creemos que a pesar de que anhelaba de Tokio, no fue cautivado por la vista nocturna de Tokio.

Unos días antes de su muerte, fue en un punto en que él estaba perdiendo la batalla con su cuerpo y no pudo salir por su cuenta, pero a pesar de todos los que pudo ver el cielo nocturno.

"Ha sido un par de años ... quiero ver el cielo de Yokohama." Jasmine deseado, y sus colegas, que se sienten de la misma manera, lo llevó a Yokohama.

En ese momento no pudo salir del coche, pero tenía la mirada fija en el cielo de la noche de Yokohama, por lo que había en silencio anhelaba.

Dos días antes de su muerte, se fue junto con su familia al cementerio en el monte Takao.

Luego se montó un teleférico, por primera vez a la cumbre de la montaña.

Desde la cima de la altura, distante pico de montaña, Jasmine le miraba sin cesar a la luz de las calles de Tokio.

No hay razón ahora para nosotros saber lo que estaba pensando en ese momento, pero sabíamos que el cielo de la noche fue capaz de calmar Jasmine Usted y distraer la mente de él.

El día antes de que él falleció, pensamos que no sería posible ver los fuegos artificiales sobre la bahía de Tokio, pero sin embargo, todos subieron a la azotea de su complejo de apartamentos, donde siempre ha ido a por él mismo en la mirada cielo nocturno.

Debido a la desafortunada tiempo, no hemos podido ver los fuegos artificiales, pero creemos que, debido a que Jazmín le fue tan cerca del cielo que le satisface.

Él fue siempre levantar su mirada al cielo, mirando a ver la noche, y buscando.

Si alguno de ustedes se pierde o resulta herido en medio de su largo y aparentemente interminable de vida, él desea que se busque en el cielo, también.

Aquí hay un par de palabras de Jazmín Usted.

"Está bien para mí para hacer frente a situaciones y desgarrador ser detenido por ellos, pero quiero seguir avanzando".

"Aunque todo el mundo se reunirá con dificultad en sus vidas, creo que voy a poder subir más que obstáculo. Quiero seguir viviendo".

Esperamos que todos ustedes celebrará Jasmine Usted las palabras y la imagen en sus corazones, y avanzar por los caminos de su elección en su propia manera especial.

Jasmine Usted siempre renace, por favor, oren para que él pueda brillar como lo hizo antes y de nuevo en escena.

Gracias, desde el fondo de nuestros corazones.

De la familia de Jazmín
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Sei-chan Sáb Ago 22, 2009 1:14 am

Con traductor google? Estaba en inglés? Si es así pasame el link, pliz
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 7759
Fecha de inscripción : 18/02/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : Barcelona


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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Nyu Sáb Ago 22, 2009 10:53 am

Impresionante ... no sé que decir
Dentadura "signal" de Jun

Cantidad de envíos : 5875
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Sáb Ago 22, 2009 11:25 am

Sei-chan escribió:Con traductor google? Estaba en inglés? Si es así pasame el link, pliz

sep,traducctor google,se nota no? xDDD

no lo encuentro en la web donde lo tradujeron a ingles asi ke te lo copio del foro donde lo postearon:

To the fans and staff who supported Jasmine You, as well as each and every person who took care of him up until now...

As the family of Jasmine You, who brought the sudden notice of his death to everyone's attention, we are filled with despair not only for ourselves, but for the fans who had supported him.

In the past, Jasmine's blog served as an important means for him to discuss his own thoughs and feelings, and so we will borrow this space to talk to everyone about our current feelings as well as memories of Jasmine and things that he often talked about.

He had lived in Tokyo for a little over three years... after his previous band disbanded, he took part in a session band with his closest colleagues, and then when HIZAKI GRACE PROJECT started up again after a long break, he went to Tokyo.

For the sake of having his own personal wish granted, he engaged in the band called Versailles to the extent that he devoted his entire life to it.

Many memories float across our minds when it comes to him in Versailles... him standing upon a brilliant and large stage, the character he put a great effort into even behind the scenes, and how for approximately two years as Jasmine You he went to great lengths to live his life in his own way, while holding his fans dear. Those are the things that come to mind first.

His first "comeback" live in Nagoya as a member of Versailles, the announcement of Versailles' major debut at Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall, the CDs and DVDs he poured his heart into, his first photobook, his first overseas tour, his television appearance... many of his dreams became reality, and he showed us many of his achievements.

Surely, there were hardships that we had no idea about...

Despite that, he cared about his fans, never complained, never talked negatively about anyone, and never lost focus on the makeup, clothing, speech, and attitude that others saw. That was how he lived his life.

There were times when he took a break from this lifestyle at home, we imagine, but we believe that when he went out, he completely acted the part of "Jasmine You."

He went to these great efforts for the sake of his own dream, and to give happiness and the will to exist to his fans who watched his every action and listened to his every word.

On the basis of this large ideal called Versailles, Jasmine changed himself little by little, studying hard to become like the other members of the band who he should respect. Various difficulties tested him but he obediently accepted them.

Jasmine You aimed for this dream and advanced forward and left this world halfway through what he had intended to do. We don't know if he had any dreams that hadn't come true, or if he had any regrets.

But, Jasmine You embarked on his journey with a truly peaceful face.

The people who looked after Jasmine and took care of him, his new and former bandmates, and his friends all came out to the funeral procession in Tokyo.
The number of people who came was surprisingly large. The feeling that Jasmine had a lot of people who loved him washed over us again.

We talked to several of the attendees, who were musicians themselves, and as we thought, we heard about the many difficulties that arise in the life of a musician.

The circumstances and standpoints differ from person to person, but when it came to Jasmine, he went above and beyond the intention of any musician, and he wished more than anything to attain his personal objective and attain his dream.

On the day of his farewell from Tokyo, it was violently rainy.

However, during the funeral procession, the summer sun returned, and the landscape which had become wet from the rain glittered radiantly. The sky was so blue that it made us feel dizzy.

It was like he was hiding behind the blades of grass, only to peek out and say with a wink, "it's Jasmine magic."

After that we returned to Aichi prefecture, where Jasmine had been born and raised, and his relatives and close friends who had so warmly watched over him came to say their final farewell.

People that had known Jasmine You for a long time were able to take their time in saying goodbye, even though his time in this world was so short it was like he had run through it in a hurry, only to take one last deep breath, which was the expression he seemed to have in the end. The wake was also held in Nagoya, and many different people gathered to where it looked like a class reunion after many years had passed.

Jasmine, who liked such busy gatherings, was undoubtedly happy about that.

The photo posted below is one that was featured in his first personal interview in the ROCK AND READ book that went on sale at the end of July.

These photos portray an extremely beautiful Jasmine You, and he was quite pleased with them.

Jasmine was deeply thankful to the reporter of the article who had so politely interviewed him, as well as the cameraman who photographed him. Because of that, we want to thank them as well.

On the night of his wake, he didn't have on his stage makeup... he just wore his usual, everyday makeup.

His complexion was good, and he looked as if he were the same energetic Jasmine You when he was alive, just sleeping... picturing that makes tears start to well up.

When he was under medical care, the nail technician said to him, "I hope that you can put forth just a little bit of energy" as his nails were decorated one by one, each with a different, magnificent design. Jasmine was able to give his final farewell to everyone in perfect beauty, all the way down to his fingernails.

The funeral itself was rather sudden, and because of that his Versailles costumes and photos were all left behind in Tokyo, so we dressed him in his HIZAKI grace project costume.

HIZAKI grace project was a band that became his first dream after he lost sight of his objective due to the disbandment of Jakura.

Jasmine always said that he had a lot of fun.

When Jasmine returned to Nagoya to perform after such a long time and took the stage in a lively way like he was in his element, that dream he had envisioned in his past band, Jakura, showed its true colors.

Before he passed away on the 10th, he listened to HIZAKI grace project's CDs on repeat for hours on end, and seemed to enjoy listening to such nostalgic music.

That quirky Jasmine You, who endlessly listened to his favorite CDs at that time, always had music close to him.

From time to time, when he was blessed with the opportunity to meet with senior artists who he loved so dearly, he was in such high spirits that he was like a child.

Music was truly an essential part of Jasmine You's life, and made him complete.

On August 12th at 10:30am, Jasmine rose into the blue summer sky to continue his journey.

At that same time, we heard that many people looked to the sky and sent their prayers.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Here, we have some words said by Jasmine You when he was alive, that we want to share with you.

These words are words of encouragement for the important people around him, who may have been hurt by something.

"No matter how far apart we have been separated from one another, the sky continues on everywhere, so during heartbreaking times, emotionally painful times, sad times, and even happy times, I am always near you."

The sky was a very special thing to Jasmine You.

Turn toward the blue, distant, infinite sky and whisper your problems, and your thoughts from those times will be able to ride on the flowing clouds and drift away.
If you feel lonely, we think he'd want you to look up at the sky, too.

We think that Jasmine You would definitely be there for you.

He also loved the night sky, and we believe that although he yearned for Tokyo, he was not captivated by Tokyo's night view.

A few days before his death, he was at a point where he was losing the battle with his body and wasn't able to go out on his own, but despite all of that he was able to see the night sky.

"It's been a few years... I want to see Yokohama's sky." Jasmine desired that, and his colleagues, who felt the same way, took him to Yokohama.

At that point he was unable to leave the car, but he had his gaze fixed on the night sky of Yokohama, which he had so quietly longed for.

Two days before his death, he went together with his family to the cemetery on Mount Takao.

Afterward, he rode a cable car for the first time to the summit of the mountain.

From atop the tall, distant mountain peak, Jasmine You gazed endlessly at the glow of the Tokyo streets.

There's no reason now for us to know what he was thinking at that time, but we knew that the night sky was able to calm Jasmine You's mind and distract him.

The day before he passed away, we thought that it wouldn't be possible to see the fireworks over Tokyo Bay, but nevertheless, we all went up to the rooftop of his apartment complex, where he had always gone by himself to gaze at the night sky.

Due to the unfortunate weather, we weren't able to see the fireworks, but we think that because Jasmine You was so close to the sky that he was satisfied.

He was always lifting his gaze to the sky, staring at the night view, and looking up.

If any of you are ever lost or hurt amidst your long and seemingly endless lifetime, he would want you to look up at the sky, too.

Here are a few more words from Jasmine You.

"It's okay for me to face heartbreaking situations and be stopped by them, but I want to continue moving forward."

"Although everyone will meet with difficulty in their lives, I believe that I will be able to climb over that obstacle. I want to continue living."

We hope that all of you will hold Jasmine You's words and image in their hearts, and advance along your chosen paths in your own special way.

Whenever Jasmine You is reborn, please pray that he will be able to shine like he did before and take the stage again.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

From Jasmine You's family
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Seri Sáb Ago 22, 2009 3:52 pm

Zophisu escribió:
Sei-chan escribió:Con traductor google? Estaba en inglés? Si es así pasame el link, pliz

sep,traducctor google,se nota no? xDDD

Que va que va Jazmín Ustéd xDDDD
Pikopiko kei

Cantidad de envíos : 1070
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30
Localización : En un puerto Italiano al pie de la montaña en una humilde morada

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Nyu Sáb Ago 22, 2009 3:57 pm

xDDDDDD viva el google traductor eh xD
Dentadura "signal" de Jun

Cantidad de envíos : 5875
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Sáb Ago 22, 2009 4:01 pm

el google traducctor rulea è____é xDDD
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Sei-chan Sáb Ago 22, 2009 5:14 pm

Qué bonito, joder! T^T

Aunque siguen sin decir de que ha muerto ._. Pero la verdad es, que despues de leer eso, tampoco me importa saber de qué murio, con saber que sus ultimos dias los pasó con la gente que le quería y que trataron de hacerle todo lo feliz posible me basta ^^
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 7759
Fecha de inscripción : 18/02/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : Barcelona


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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Seri Miér Ago 26, 2009 2:34 pm

teru actualizó su ameblo!!


habla de jasmine, a ver si alguien con conocimientos de japo traduce >_>
Pikopiko kei

Cantidad de envíos : 1070
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30
Localización : En un puerto Italiano al pie de la montaña en una humilde morada

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Miér Ago 26, 2009 2:51 pm

Todos han actualizado su blog de la OHP,y Yuki tambien su ameblo,habra ke esperar a una traduccion decente aunke sea a ingles ^__^U
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Nyu Miér Ago 26, 2009 3:27 pm

Yo la quiero ya traducido >o<
Dentadura "signal" de Jun

Cantidad de envíos : 5875
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Lun Ago 31, 2009 4:34 pm


"You fell into eternal sleep on August 9.

It's sad, sad, sad...even if I act calm, every day is distressful.
Even if more than one week passed, I can't accept his death yet.

I remember that some years ago, when I attended the live of You's former
band Jyakura, I felt attracted by him because of his original
performance and remarkable showiness.
The first time we talked together he has been mysterious and gentle even
if I was younger than him, and I was impressed by the strange world that
his appearance evoked.

When Versailles was formed, I believed that it was "the band where the
best members gathered".
I believe that in these two years and half we achieved miracles and came
to this point because we were those five people.

You was always standing beside me at concerts.
You's enthusiasm at lives was strong, and it often happened that we made
plans for our movements and performance at a concert.
The eye contact during concerts, smiling each others, making jokes...we
felt together the live mood since we were the closest ones on stage.
When I had a problem he immediately looked after me and I felt reassured.

At the live we attended as 4 people on August 3, the stage felt
unusually large.
That time I played guitar like crazy, but "a person who was meant to be
there wasn't there".
Only the sadness of that thought is left from that concert.

You was surely a sort of senpai to me.
Also in my private life, he followed me as I'm still ignorant of the
He was a person who not only gave me advice about conversation and
etiquette, but also took care of his kouhai without being haughty.
I think I learnt from him the mental attitude of a musician.

When I reached my limits, one word of You was enough to give me an
amazing strength.
He often cheered me up saying "keep your self-esteem high because you
got an appeal that I don't have!"
He took care of everyone no matter who he was, and without saying
anything I'd feel a strange feeling as I was beyond the obstacle.
As a senpai, it rarely happened that he showed me weakness or pain.
He's always supported me with austerity and tenderness.
I'm not sure if I've been a kouhai in his hands, but I wanted him to
teach me much more...

These days I deeply thought about that thing we use to call "death"
I thought and thought...but of course I still can't understand.

Maybe there was a different future.
But this way I will never know.

I want to keep on living with the days I spent with You carved in my
My treasures are the amazing things the five of us achieved.

When we met for the last time before the long break, before leaving I
thanked him by saying "thank you for taking care of me so much".
As always You answered with a smile.
I'd have never imagined that it would be the last thing I told him.
At least I could directly send him my gratitude one last time.

I don't know if I can call it a farewell.
This is not a farewell: the feeling I would like to embrace from now on
is "gratitude".

thanks you very much

Versailles TERU"


"The reality that stands in front of us is too
difficult to accept yet and despair as well as troubles repeat
themselves daily.
I didn‘t manage to make up my mind yet so excuse me for getting in touch
with you all this late.

“Do you also wear makeup in daily life?”
At the time when I joined Versailles, it’s the first thing I told him
without thinking about it, having never met such an aura before.
Although I got nervous when realizing I might have said something
unpolite, “ yes of course” was the answer he gave me with his gentle
smiling face.
Even if a lot of time passed since this moment I still remember it.

I enjoyed at any rate doing lives with You, being part of the rythm
section and he was the one I would be exchanging the more eye contact
while being on stage.
When You would make a mistake within the phrase he would always look
back at me saying “did you notice?”
That "exchange" was fun and I really loved it

He was always telling jokes with his smiling face
During the tour when we would share rooms we’d do nothing but speak
while drinking alcohol.
When looking back at it there’s only a smiling face.

Since I'm a person who thinks only about drums and tends to consider
visual as secondary, You's wonderful attitude as an artist provided me a
lot of motivation and inspiration.

One thing that I would really call professional was the meticulousness
of the always beautiful and elegant "Jasmine You", both during the band
activities but also outside of them.
“ I don’t want to show the difficult and painful parts of the work “ was
he saying.
Why didn't we manage to help each others more and compromise more?
Since the start of the band 2 years ago, he was an important member who
climbed over many difficulties by putting all his soul into it.
It's irritating not having been able to protect such an important person,
it's a pity and mortifying, mortifying.

Even now thinking about it makes me cry without even feeling the
strenght necessary to grab my sticks

He was concerned about the members, thought carefully about the fan and
treated everyone around him tenderly.
I think I learnt many important things from him even more as a person
than as an artist.

You, from all my heart, thanks you
If You hadn’t been there, Versailles wouldn’t have become what it’s like

In order to start over our activities we need to sort our feelings and
take a bit more time, but we're absolutely coming back for all the fans
who have been waiting for us and for Jasmine who loved Versailles.
We will take along Jasmine’will and will always keep on walking along
with it.

Sleep peacefully
And please watch over us all"


"I still can’t tell if it’s reality or a dream.
Wasn’t there anything more that we could have done for You?
I keep on asking myself those questions without being able to refrain
blaming myself.

If I had to remember one thing, at first it’d be his smile.
The beauty of his personnality was far greater compared to what I can

When You was telling puns silence would follow for a short while but
after a few seconds we’d all giggle.
I cherished a lot this kind of warm atmosphere that You was able to
Everytime I’d come to play in Nagoya with my previous band You would
show up so before aknowledging it we ended up together.
During the time when Versailles was being created we were craving for
asking him to join the band because of his gentle personality.
We were eager to speak about the band along with You.
If we could be with You then it’d surely be more fun, wouldn’t it?
As there wasn’t any reason to stop those feelings we quickly invited You.
From this moment on, the three of us started talking daily about our
Even if Versailles was created when HIZAKI and I took the decision to
start a band together, if we turn back to the origins, the predestined
cause that made us meet was directly You.
Even if You was absolutly not the kind of person to take the leadership,
we were not the only ones who fell attracted by his personality as a
numerous group of person did too.
In this quiet atmosphere that You created and was enfolded by there was
a strange space where we’d all feel in harmony, no matter of our own
When I lost the band that I used to work with during such a long time I
wasn’t even able to project myself into the future but You teached me
how to be happy again. He teached me how to smile again.
That’s why he was kind of a savior for me.
Moreover, You, as a member of the band had the important role of binding
my personnal tastes for ballads with the ones of the others for metal
tunes while being a great counsellor too.
When the process of writing lyrics would reach a dead end I would first
go and speak about it with You. I would sing the tune to him or on the
contrary he’d do it for me and that’s how we managed several times to
take our decisions together and finally say “ let’s do it that way!”.
“PRINCE” lyrics are a good example of it. I’d like to express my
Even if these are words that You was always telling, they're about a
feeling that I would now like to send him.

Thanks for choosing us.
Moreover what I loved overall was the person you were.
Even if my words of gratitude are too numerous, those are the only one I
wanna express at the moment.
Everybody loved you

Do you remember the thing we talked about last month?
You can rest and sleep in peace because I’ll grant our promise for sure.
You...good night...

In the past I had the occasion to think about the meaning of the word
“separation” .
The answer I gave to myself was "something that let only good memories
However during the time spent along with You there aren’t only good
That’s why it’s not a “separation” .
Yet, I’m feeling so sad and desperate at the moment that I cannot
refrain myself from crying and screaming just like a child everyday.
Please let me time to turn this sadness into power.
Even if I’m waiting for the day when I’ll be able to stand again in
front of you all, please let me consider the promise I made to You as
the most important thing to achieve for now.

Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Nyu Lun Ago 31, 2009 10:21 pm

Dios .. Al fin
Dentadura "signal" de Jun

Cantidad de envíos : 5875
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Sei-chan Mar Sep 01, 2009 9:44 am


Hizaki no tiene blog?

Aisss... joder que penica... u.u'
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 7759
Fecha de inscripción : 18/02/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : Barcelona


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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Mar Sep 01, 2009 11:27 am

yo creo ke Hizaki todavia lo esta asimilando u.u y es logico porke de los 4 el es el ke mas tiempo lleva con el
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Sei-chan Mar Sep 01, 2009 11:32 am

Cierto es òwó
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 7759
Fecha de inscripción : 18/02/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : Barcelona


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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Nyu Mar Sep 01, 2009 4:31 pm

Siempre me acuerdo de él .
Dentadura "signal" de Jun

Cantidad de envíos : 5875
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 30

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Carnelas Jue Oct 01, 2009 5:03 pm

ha publicado ya algo hizaki? es que no se cual es su blog...

Cantidad de envíos : 383
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2009

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Jue Oct 01, 2009 5:19 pm

si ya lo hizo, creo ke fue la mas emotiva, os la pongo

It's... been around ten years since I first met Jasmine You, I believe.

I saw him in a magazine, and my interest was immediately piqued.
After that, a very short time later our bands performed at the same live in Kyoto, and at the afterparty, the first thing I did was go to talk to him.
We really didn't talk about music at all, but instead we had fun discussing meaningless things until morning, like we were good friends from the past.
Since there were often opportunities to do things together, I had also seen lots of his lives.
It's because I really loved the spirit that band had... it was something that we didn't have and I envied them.

Although I existed with them on my mind the entire time, time passed, and one day I received a call from him.
"I want to make a band like this with members like this... will you do it with me?"
We seemed to have a really enjoyable time talking about that.
I was happy that he had come alive like that, but at that time I had my own band so I rejected his offer.

After a short time I started a solo project, and when I went to him first about it, I was able to receive a cheerful reply of "OK" from him.
In the beginning, I had planned for it to be a project until the very end, but since he was considering activity like his own band, I, who had hoped for support, became serious about it, too.
At that time, I had no fears and nothing to lose, and did whatever I pleased. When the members assembled, we said nothing but stupid things...

Then, Versailles started up, and just like before I did what I pleased, and even though nothing but stupid things were said when the members assembled, as we continued on with band activities it was only natural that pressure such as burdens, fear, and loss frequently weighed us down.
As our plans for the band became larger, our responsibilities became larger, but I think that we were able to make fun out of that pressure.

In actuality, when the members assembled, discussion started to be focused mainly on the band, and we started pursuing production activity.
Because of that, since all of us had been avoiding letting the band turn into something similar to a job, even if we had a limited amount of time, the five of us would have a good time, go out drinking and chat, and talk about meaningless things whenever we could. I think that the band was protecting those important things.

Nevertheless, during the times when we felt confused by the speed at which things were changing and the environment which was changing day by day at a dizzying pace, the two of us often talked together.
Despite that, words such as, "I'm tired," "it's difficult," and "I'm sleepy" never left Jasmine's mouth. As for me, those words were characteristic of me... I respected him.

In this society and in this music industry, although the intensity which dwells within it was placed right before our eyes, our attitude of helping one another didn't change.
The staff of the office were the ones who created the environment for us in which we are able to concentrate fully on our music.
They were living every day to its fullest, and were offering up their lives for Versailles.
So, they were easily able to handle duties in the role of Jasmine You.

From the middle of July, while we were making progress with recording, it was like we had various meetings with the office, the record company over and over again, every day.
Since everyone had gathered their willpower and had been putting their all into recording, and since I myself had been putting all my strength into this, the days went on without any room for me to worry about the other members.

When a certain meeting was over...
"Kansai-ben is harsh, and although you spoke very seriously about your real motive, I'm really happy that you took my welfare into consideration and said what you did."
On that day, for the first time, he laughed a little as he said that. In a rather old interview, he said that very same things as well, didn't he?
On that day at the time when we parted ways, I cried my eyes out, but I was happy when he shook my shoulder slightly while saying, "Hizaki-kun is the best guitarist in the world, and I'm glad we were able to play together."

At the show on August 3rd, I felt even lonelier than the fans. Even if I watch the recording of that day, it's like I can see him there. I wonder if the people who came to see us were able to see that as well.
I unreasonably told myself that I must be positive, but as one would expect, I was upset and it was difficult.
The next day, I met him for a little while, and since he seemed to be fine I was relieved...
No matter what time it was, he was Jasmine You.
Despite knowing that, I truly believed in my heart that he would get better and come back.

Then, August 9th.....
I cried because of that phone call. Without knowing if it was a dream or reality, I let out an outrageous scream and sobbed. It took time for me to settle down, and when I met with the members I cried all over again.
Since then, even though a few days have passed, when the solitude of night attacks me, I'm left in a state where the tears won't stop coming.

My memories of him are only his smiling face.
The last time that I saw him make a face that truly appeared to be happy was when the ballad that we had planned to put on the new album was fully complete.
During our tour, Fukuoka comes to mind. On that day in the studio, when I was loosely putting together the high point of the song, I was excited about it in such a way that surprised me.
A few months passed, and the first thing he did was listen to the final result... and he displayed a reaction like that of a child... like that of a fan.
"That's the best ever, it's so great~ it's absolutely the best, it's wonderful!" was what he said to me.
For the first time in a record high amount of time, him saying those words to me made me happy. In these most recent days, I wasn't able to see his happy face, but while fighting back tears and trying to stay happy, we listened to that song over and over again.

I wonder, what kind of memories were left behind in all of you?
Since we made many beautiful memories together as Versailles to the extent that I can't count them, I hope that you'll slowly think back upon them, now.
That's what I wish.

I still haven't been able to sort my feelings out, and I'm at a point where I can't see the path after this. Maybe I can't answer the question, "what's the best thing to do" myself.
Despite that, I believe that someday, he will shine down upon our path and guide us.
I received many messages, and fully realized that there are people who are waiting for us, and people who believe in us.
I'm thankful that I was supported by the people who were able to experience the message that the five of us conveyed, together with Jasmine You.

Right now, since I'm only working toward relaxing and healing this wound, when I settle down, let's go drinking again.
Tell me more of those pointless stories and jokes that you came up with just minutes before, like you used to.
Even though you drank jasmine tea the entire time since the band formed, when you were drunk you casually told me, "ah I'm... kind of sick of it!" Tell me more trivial secrets like that.
Since we didn't want to show our drunken selves, we'd lock the bathroom door and get wasted in there, and it was always difficult. Even if we ended up dead drunk we'd help each other to walk, didn't we...

Whenever I'm listening to the parting song by Chopin, I remember Jasmine. I think that up until today, I've listened to it hundreds of times. It has its beautiful, gentle, and dainty times, but there's one part that's intense, too.
His soul will always be in our hearts. His love will never fade.
The love that he showed me won't disappear, but will expand infinitely.

-To Jasmine You, as well as You-kun-

From now on, please spread your wings and flutter about like a beautiful butterfly.

Every now and then, please drink the nectar of roses, okay?

I can't say goodbye, so I'll say thank you. See you later.

-From your companion who loved roses-
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Sei-chan Jue Oct 01, 2009 5:45 pm

Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 7759
Fecha de inscripción : 18/02/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : Barcelona


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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Carnelas Jue Oct 01, 2009 6:26 pm

pobre hizaki T_____________________T

Cantidad de envíos : 383
Fecha de inscripción : 23/05/2009

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Kai Matsumoto Jue Oct 01, 2009 8:52 pm

fue y sera uno de los bajistas que mas aprecio T.T
Kai Matsumoto
Kai Matsumoto

Cantidad de envíos : 188
Fecha de inscripción : 13/04/2009
Edad : 33
Localización : Barcelona


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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Innerwolf Jue Oct 01, 2009 10:09 pm

A lo mejor suena muy insensible que ya esté pensando en eso, pero creo que Versailles ya ha confirmado que SI van a tocar en el V-Rock Festival.
Creo que lo mejor que pueden hacer por la memoria de Jasmine es continuar y tener mucha fuerza...
Visual famoso que no paga sus impuestos

Cantidad de envíos : 1234
Fecha de inscripción : 09/02/2009
Edad : 36

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

Mensaje  Zophisu Jue Oct 01, 2009 10:45 pm

efectivamente lo confirmaron, supongo ke no lo grabaran, tengo entendido ke algunas bandas piensan grabar su actuacion y publicarla en DVD, lo ke si es seguro es ke se retrasmitira, luego si sabemos el canal, podemos verlo atraves de la tele japonesa
Furi Master

Cantidad de envíos : 8044
Fecha de inscripción : 08/02/2009
Edad : 31
Localización : Celda de aislamiento Nº 35

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Jasmine You...D.E.P - Página 2 Empty Re: Jasmine You...D.E.P

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